Childhood Trauma in Adults
Addressing Childhood Trauma
Some of us did not grow up in the best households. The environments were cold, hostile, and perhaps even unloving. We might have grown up neglected by our loved ones because they couldn’t make time for us, they were abusive, or they were never present in our lives to begin with. Whatever the reason, it is possible that our childhood, filled with neglect, has manifested as unresolved childhood trauma in our adult years.
Now, you might be wondering to yourself, “Why does that matter? Why should I care?” A big reason is that trauma can be passed down from generation to generation. If you were neglected as a child, it is very likely that you yourself will become a neglectful parent to your child or children.
Perhaps you aren’t one with kids, but your childhood trauma stops you from living your life to the fullest and hinders your overall enjoyment because of other factors like Emotional Dysregulation, Dissociation, or Foreshortened Future.
Emotional Dysregulation is when individuals that survived traumatic experiences cannot regulate emotions such as anger, sadness, anxiety, and shame. These individuals might try to self-medicate (substance abuse) in order to get a hold of their emotional control. Individuals often experience extremes, feeling too much or feeling too little. Dissociation is when an individual removes themselves from their thoughts, memories, feelings, and actions. Individuals might dissociate when they are reacting to severe stress or trauma as a means to protect themselves. Finally, Foreshortened Future is when an individual loses hope, have limited expectations about life, fear that life will end abruptly or early, and/or anticipate that normal life events won’t occur and do not expect much for their future.
Trauma can affect the way we relate to ourselves and to others. It makes it harder for individuals to communicate their feelings, their emotions, and their situations with ease. It can even stunt their emotional growth, can result in poor self-discipline, increase feelings of guilt and shame, and even height anxiety and depression.
With all that being said, the good news is that therapy is there to help individuals work through their unresolved childhood trauma so that people can express their emotions in a healthy manner. Therapists understand that adults with unresolved trauma who have suppressed their emotions for years have a tough time expressing themselves. They are ready to be there to guide you through exercises and talk through the issues that trouble you.
Here at Finding Tranquility Psychotherapy Services, we are here for you. We are ready to partner with you on a therapeutic journey to improving your livelihood and working through your trauma.